We’ll Reform Welfare



Figures from UK Government show that despite our Government hailing the lowest unemployment figures since the 1970’s, people receiving welfare in the UK is out of control.Before the start of COVID we had 3 million people claiming Universal credit , now that figure has sky rocketed to 5 million!

In total, people claiming DWP benefits was 22.8 million. My first issue with this is that this includes the state pension (12.4 million), which is not a benefit. The state pension is a payment in exchange for your contributions over the years.

The most shocking figure is that 9.5 million working age people receive at least one welfare benefit in the UK.

In total, latest figures 2020-21 show total welfare spending of £212B, up £20b in just one yea which is  more than double what we spent in the year 2000.

What could we possibly have done during the past 22 years that could lead to us doubling the amount of people who claim benefits?

On universal credit  you can claim up to 23k a year, however the average wage a year is 30k a year after tax this equates to 23k . It’s no surprise that so many people can’t be bothered to work, when they can stay at home and save money on their expenses? Currently the UK tax allowance is £12570 a year before you pay any tax, in my opinion this should be raised to £20,000 a year to help those at the bottom. This would be an incentive to those on universal credit to go out and work due to the added earning potential. The welfare system is of vital importance in providing support to families and ensuring that work pays . The need to get the right interaction between benefits, taxation and support for services such as childcare is more pressing than ever.

Harry Palmer is the Reform Party Spokesman for the South West Bedfordshire Constituency. All opinions on this website www.harrypalmer.uk are personal opinions & views on different areas of policy & government. Harry supports Reform Party policy but wants potential supporters and voters to understand his personal views and opinions. For official Reform Party policy please visit: https://www.reformparty.uk

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